Love is Love
Love is Love. It truly is! Every day of the year, not just the one day or one month. I realized that as celebrating Pride is fun and colorful, I didn’t know much about its origins or what it represented.
The rainbow has become a universal symbol for Pride, and how fitting! In a rainbow, all of the colors are represented and a rainbow always shines after a storm. The fight for LGBTQ+ equality has been long but the tipping point for its liberation movement came in 1969 with the Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan to protest against long-standing abuse from institutions that were supposed to protect us all. The livelihoods were threatened, lives lost, work opportunities denied, housing problematic, you name it.
The first Pride march was organized on June 28, 1970 in New York, a year after the Stonewall Uprising. The movement grew each year and today millions march everywhere in the world to demonstrate for LGBTQ+ equality, and celebrate being different yet the same.
In the end, what does it matter who we love? Isn’t pursuit of happiness one of the unalienable human rights written in the Declaration of Independence?
Love is Love. In many ways it is all we need. It is all around us. Pause and take a look. Let it in. Isn’t it the best feeling in world?